the two major sects of islam
Why did islam Split into two branches? - Yahoo! Answers.
![Their name comes from their belief that they should follow the Sunna of Mohammed -- his action, his modeling. So we have the two major umbrella sects of Islam.](
Islamic Sects. An Extremely Simplified Description - HubPages.
sects of Islam. Considering many of the wars and animosity in the ME are between the two main factions of the faith, what are the fundamental .
now there are two major sects in Islam Suni and shia's.both two have same teaching about Islam but way of implemention is littely different.
In day-to-day religious practice and core beliefs, there is little difference between the two major Islamic denominations or sects: Sunni and Shi'a. Members of .
Sunni and Shiia sects of Islam. Differences? [Archive] - Straight.
Islamic sects: sunni and shi'a - Exhumator.
the two major sects of islam
An Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam - Islamic Philosophy Online.
Dec 17, 2012. Most Americans' knowledge of Islam, the world's second largest. taken the time to explain the difference between the two major sects of Islam, .
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Islamic Sects > Shia'ism. . the split between shi'a and sunna, and the two major movements in Shia'ism.
Oct 9, 2011. Almost from the beginning of Islam in the early 600s, Muslims (followers of the Islamic religion) split into two main groups: the Sunnite. between the sects, all Muslims uphold the Five Pillars of Faith (basic requirements of the .
These two things are basic guidance for a Muslim. Btw, keep asking Allah to keep you on right path. Allah prohibited in breaking up into sects.
Forever Islam - Sects in Islam.
A list of islamic religions? - Yahoo! Answers.
What Are the Differences Between the Sunni and Shia Sects of Islam?
![Their name comes from their belief that they should follow the Sunna of Mohammed -- his action, his modeling. So we have the two major umbrella sects of Islam.](
Sunni and Shi'a are the two biggest sects of Islam, just like Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox, and Evangelicalism are the four biggest sects .
The major difference is that of the belief on the validity of the cultural, political and . The long history of division between the two sects of Muslim started after the .
Islam Revival - Part 1 - ISLAMIC SECTS.